Special Education Inclusive Practices
Our school chose to be a part of the second Hui Pū cohort for Inclusive Practices lead by Stetson & Associates Inc. beginning in 2019. The overarching goal of our work is to serve our students with special needs in effective and meaningful ways in the least restrictive setting.
We have three different settings & different levels of support for our students with special needs:
General Education Classroom (Advanced Support or In-Class Support)
- Students are placed in a general education class and receive their supports in the general education classroom
Resource Classroom (Specialized Support)
- Students are placed in a general education class and receive supports / services in a space with other students who have special needs
Fully Self-Contained Classrooms (Specialized Support)
- Students are placed in a class with students who have special needs and remain in this class for the majority of the school day. Students receive their supports / services in a space with other students who have special needs
Please see some of our schoolʻs guidance documents below.
HIDOE Inclusive Practices Website