Daniel K. Inouye Elementary School Home

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Happy Spring Break! 2025

Spring Break: March 17-21
We hope all our students, faculty, and staff enjoy their time off and stay healthy! We can't wait to see you again on Monday, March 24th.
reminder: long weekend

Reminder Happy Long Weekend

Happy Long Weekend!

Here are some friendly reminders:
-No school on Friday, February 14th - Teacher Institute Day
-No school on Monday, February 17th - Presidents' Day
-We will see you on Tuesday, February 18, 2025
-Please complete our School Quality Survey by March 12, 2025.

Here is the survey link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/2025SQSParent

Search for our school name: Inouye EL

Thank you again for your support.


DKIES - Purple Star Award
We are proud to announce that our school received the Purple Star NORBERT Hawaiʻi Award on December 14, 2023! This prestigious recognition highlights the exceptional care we provide to our students, the meaningful connections we create through school-level supports, and our unwavering commitment to delivering a quality educational experience for every student.
Initially started in 2006 as the NORBERT Award, the Joint Venture Education Forum wanted to recognize exceptional HIDOE schools for their quality assistance and support of military students. The NORBERT Award represents a "stamp of excellence" for schools that meet the required award criteria.
Daniel K. Inouye was honored as a Purple Star NORBERT Hawaiʻi School because we demonstrated the following:
The school has a welcoming climate and safe environment;
The school has student-led transition services for incoming and outgoing students;
Through the joint military school liaison officers, Department Military Liaison, and the Hawaii State Commissioner, the school addresses key educational transition issues encountered by children of military families;
The school participates and engages in military partnerships; and
The school has an effective parent and community network program and partnerships.